Chordtela Satru



If you are seeking for Chordtela Satru? Then, this is the spot where you can search some sources which provide complete information.

Kunci Gitar Denny Caknan X Happy Asmara – SATRU Chord …
F G Satru hubungan Am Dm mung salah.. F sampean kudu ngerteni.. G C aku cemburu.. *) F C Gusti.. kulo pun manut dalane.. Dm G C mung Jenengan sing ngatur critane.. Am Em sing jelas aku mikir kedepane.. F G opo bakal hubungan satru sak teruse…. Reff : F G Em Am Tulung percoyo aku sayang awakmu..

Kunci Gitar Denny Caknan – Sugeng Dalu Chord Dasar …
Capo di fret 5 Intro : Dm G C Am Dm G C G…. C Sugeng dalu.. Dm G C ..Ati sing biyen tau ngelarani Dm -Em F ..Wis suwe we ra rene G We lungo mung masalah

Hope, the above sources help you with the information related to Chordtela Satru. If not, reach through the comment section.